Another perpetrator who has no photos available is Henry P. Larrabee. He was a local gold miner and ranch owner who is often identified as the main perpetrator of the Indian Island massacre, along with others in the Humboldt Volunteers organization. He is widely believed to have been an instigator and among the killers in the Indian Island Massacre, alongside Sergeant Charles A.D. Huestis, Private George W. Huestis, Private Wallace M. Hagan and James D. Henry Brown. Larrabee was notorious as being a killer of Indians, having once bragged that he killed more than 60 Indian children with a hatchet. He served as a corporal in the Volunteer Guides during the Bald Hills War. His name is quite famous around Humboldt County, and numerous sites have been named after him, including Larrabee Valley and Larrabee Creek.