Browse Items
- 1851
- 1858
- 1860
- 1864
- 1934
- 1978
- A. M. Rosborough
- Adjutant General
- Adjutant General William C. Kibbe
- aerial
- Alex. J. Rosborough
- Alice Shepherd
- Americans
- Apology
- Arcata
- Archeology
- art
- artwork
- Athabascan
- atrocity
- Bald Hills
- Bald Hills War
- basket collection
- Baskets
- Benjamin Madley
- Big Bar
- Black and White
- Black and White Photo
- Black and White Portrait
- Bloody
- Bloody Island
- Bloody Island Massacre
- Boundaries
- Boyle
- Bridge Gulch Massacre
- Bugle Beads
- CA
- California
- California Historical Society Quarterly
- California Indian Culture Areas
- California Map
- California Militia
- Camps
- Clayton Duncan
- Clear
- Clear Lake
- collection
- County
- Crescent City
- currentday
- Dance Regalia
- dehumanization
- drone
- Dunes
- Ethnography
- Eureka
- Fort
- Fort Locations
- Fort Locations Map
- Fort Map
- General
- General Portrait
- General William C. Kibbe
- Genocide
- Gold
- Gold Miners
- Grace McKibbin
- hat
- Healing
- Historical Landmark
- History
- Humboldt
- Humboldt County
- Humboldt State
- Humboldt State University
- Humboldt Times
- Humboldt.
- Indian
- Indian affairs
- Indian History
- Indian Island
- Indian Island Massacre
- Indian women
- Indigenous
- Island
- J.B.
- Journal
- kalamath river
- Key
- Kibbe
- Klamath River
- Lagoon
- Lake
- Lake County
- Lake County News
- Land
- Landmark NO. 427
- language
- law
- Letter
- Llewlynn L. Loud
- Lucy Moore
- Lucy Moore Foundation
- Mad River
- Mad River Indians
- Madley
- Map
- Map of Massacres
- Map of Villages
- Map of Villages and Camps
- Massacre
- Massacre of 1860
- McKinleyville
- memorial
- Militia
- Miners
- Mining
- monument
- Native
- Native American
- Native Americans
- Natural Bridge
- Nevada Democrat
- Newspaper
- Newspaper clipping
- Northern
- Northern California
- Photo
- Picture
- Pomo
- Portrait
- prevention
- Raphael Montoliu
- Reconciliation
- Red Cap
- Red Cap War
- Redick McKee
- Redwood Creek
- Redwood Creek Indians
- Regalia
- Rita Jacinto
- salmon
- Sam Lopez
- settlers
- Shasta-Trinity National Forest
- Smith River
- Special Indian Agent
- storage
- Sundial Bridge
- survivor
- Tassin
- The Indian Reporter
- Tolowa
- Tolowa dancers
- toys
- Treaty
- tribe
- Trinity County
- Trinity Rangers
- Trinity Weekly Journal
- Tuluwat
- United Nations
- Unratified Treaty
- Unratified Treaty Lands & State of California Boundaries Map
- Village
- Villages
- violence
- War
- war crime
- weaving
- Whilkut
- Whilkut map
- Whilkut Tribe
- Whilkut Village
- White Settlers
- William C. Kibbe
- William C. Kibbe Portrait
- William J. Wallace
- William Kibbe
- William Wallace
- Wintu Indians
- Wiyot
- Wiyot Massacre
- Worlds Apart
- Yontocket Village
- Yurok
- Yurok Tribe