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Bloody Island marker 1.jpg
The plaque reads "Scene of a battle between U.S. soldiers under command of Captain Lyons and Indians under Chief Augustine, April 14th, 1850. Dedicated as an historical monument by the Native Sons of the Golden West. May 20th, 1942"

Russian River Map.jpg
Just West of Clear Lake, the Russian River was one of the sites where Pomo victims of the Bloody Island Massacre fled to escape the United States First Dragoons Army Regiment.

Pomo Bird Dancers.jpg
There are five Pomo men in a row all in their ceremonial dress standing in a row. The three men in the middle are Pomo Bird Dancers.

A Newly Constructed and Improved Map of the State Of California
Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Shows drainage, counties, roads, etc. Covers also Nevada. Wheat Gold states it shows many more mining camps than any of the 1850 maps and "It is quite similar to Butler but discloses somewhat better…
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