“Where the Trails Return: Cultural Influences on Hupa History.”

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Shows the level of difficulty it was to travel on horseback to reach Orleans. This was no simple task, the terrain is rough the local tribes could travel through without any difficulty. 


Traditionally, the Yurok lived in permanent villages along the Klamath River. No villages are shown in this picture. 

This source documents the Red Caps War from a Hupa perspective and details the steps taken by neighboring Hupa peoples in an attempt to quell this conflict. This gives insight on how the war affected not only the Yurok and Karuk tribes, but the neighboring Hupa peoples as well. There is an account of a battle that took place when Yurok scouts led miners into an ambush. An explanation is also given as to the origin of the white man’s term of the “Red Caps”, thus named after a Karuk aristocrat in Wopum who wore a red cap.