"May Burton the only child saved from the Indian massacre on Gunthers Island" || Same image as 1999.07.2897, not cropped. Notes from Julian Lang, based on information from Table Bluff Reservation elders: Mrs. Barto, probably Mrs. Elsie May Barto, was…
"BE3"; "Copied from original in possession of, and thru courtesy of, Barbara Charles Eller, 281 E Street, Crescent City, California, 1970" on verso; notes about Aunt Maggie Charlie Seymour on verso || "Taken 1936, tribe Tolowa, Aunt Maggie Charlie…
The Act
Section 1. The sum of fifty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-seven dollars and eighty-six cents ($52,527.86) is hereby appropriated, out any money in the General Fund not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of the indebtedness…
Documentation of the Executive Order that Implemented the Klamath River Reservation. Conversation between GEO. W. MANYPENNY (Commissioner of the Office of Indian Affairs), Hon. R. MCCLELLAND (Secretary of the Interior), President Franklin Pierce