"BE3"; "Copied from original in possession of, and thru courtesy of, Barbara Charles Eller, 281 E Street, Crescent City, California, 1970" on verso; notes about Aunt Maggie Charlie Seymour on verso || "Taken 1936, tribe Tolowa, Aunt Maggie Charlie…
Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Shows drainage, counties, roads, etc. Covers also Nevada. Wheat Gold states it shows many more mining camps than any of the 1850 maps and "It is quite similar to Butler but discloses somewhat better…
Information and letters, to and from the Special Indian Agent in 1855, about the rising unrest between white people and Indians along the Klamath river
This article, which went into print exactly one hundred years after the events of the Bridge Gulch Massacre, details some of the area’s rougher characteristics during it’s early days as a mining town. Included in the text is a brief account of…
Article describes brutal attacks of Indian Island Massacre. Full text written below.
"Our Indian troubles have reached a crisis. Today we record acts of Indian aggression and white retaliation. It is a humiliating fact that the parties who may be…
This map shows the specific region of Northern California in which the Whilkut people lived. This map displays the territory in detail and also includes the surrounding territories of other native tribes that also spoke Athabascan languages.