This map shows the specific region of Northern California in which the Whilkut people lived. This map displays the territory in detail and also includes the surrounding territories of other native tribes that also spoke Athabascan languages.
A collection and translation of stories, songs, tales, legends, and memories of Grace McKibbin, descendant of a Wintu Bridge Gulch Massacre survivor, transcribed and compiled by linguist Alice Shepherd.
A view of the entrance to the Bridge Gulch Natural Bridge in Hayfork Valley of Shasta-Trinity National Forest. Known as "Kok-Chee-Shuhp-Chee" or "Bundle of Hides" to the Wintu people.
The plaque reads "Scene of a battle between U.S. soldiers under command of Captain Lyons and Indians under Chief Augustine, April 14th, 1850. Dedicated as an historical monument by the Native Sons of the Golden West. May 20th, 1942"
The following website is the Tolowa homepage for community members as well as Tolowa tribal members. This website has menus for "Who We Are," "Government," "Enterprises," "Department," "Employment," "News and Events," and "Contact," information.