Wintu Resources

Franco, M., C. Sisk-Franco. 2002. Winnemem Wintu position regarding Shasta Dam. Kerekmet Village: Winnemem Wintu. 

McKibbin, G., & Shepherd, A. (1997). In my own words: Stories, songs, and memories of Grace McKibbin, Wintu. Berkeley, Calif.: Heyday Books.

"Entrance to the 'Natural Bridge'." VisitTrinity. November 08, 2014. Accessed November 08, 2017.

Cox, Isaac. The Annals of Trinity County. Eugene, Or. : Printed for Harold C. Holmes by John Henry Nash of the University of Oregon, 1940.

Ngo, Mary. Loss of Sacred Spaces: The Winnemem Wintu Struggle Against a Cultural Genocide by California Water Demands, California State University, Long Beach, Ann Arbor, 2010, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: The Humanities and Social Sciences Collection,

Norton, Jack. A teacher's source book on genocide: the native experience in Northern California : the Bridge Gulch Massacre, 1852. California : J & J Norton, 1998.

Norton, Jack. “Traversing the Bridges of Our Lives”. American Indian Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 347-358. EBSCOhost.

Shriner, Herk. Thunder up the creek: the story of the Bridge Gulch massacre. Weaverville, Calif. : Ruin River Pub., 2005.

Wintu Resources